Hi, I'm Halida!
I do user research and create digital learning stuff in Bandung, Indonesia.
Various techy things I've worked on
- Front-end
- UX
A website to create social playlists where you can say hi and share your favorite music. Check it out!
MARi Mobile
- Ed-Tech
- UX
Research & prototyping for a mobile app to help high school students figure out their career path. View our process.
Flip Flops
- Crowdsourcing
- Front-end
A Chrome extension that lets the crowds at MTurk decide between two things for you. Find it here.
Crowd Gaming
- Crowdsourcing
- Front-end
A web game where you and the crowd decide to go right or left. Try the game with a friend!
Trippin' Hard
- Ed-Tech
- Front-end
A web-based game where you can learn basic CSS through scaffolding. Come play the game!
Plague Inc.: Educational Revisit
- Ed-Tech
A two-episode video series where I talked about how Plague Inc works and how we can modify it to be more educational. Watch the EDGE/MDA analysis and redesign analysis.
Responsive Web Design for Designers
- Ed-Tech
An online course prototype where I applied e-learning design principles to help designers understand responsive design. View the prototype.
My less techy side projects
Rage in Peace
- Front-end
- Storytelling
I helped write and translate the story of this side-scrolling, story-driven game. Read more about RiP.
- Design
- Hobby
- Photography
A hand lettering project that I started as my 2017 resolution. View on instagram or redbubble.
Salah Sambung
- Front-end
- Photography
Went out and took pretty pictures for this chat simulation game that will play games with your heart. Try it out!
Decoloring Playgrounds
- Hobby
- Photography
A mini photo collection where I took colors away from a playground. View the collection.
Vision 20/20
- Hobby
- Photography
A photo essay, experimenting with depth of field. Check it out!
Me on other people's gigs
Rolling Podcast - A11Y
- UX
- Accessibility
I came over and talked about web accessibility for Rolling Glory's Podcast. Listen to the podcast.
CodePenChallenge: Cards Roundup
- Front-end
- Hobby
My pen was featured in the Cards roundup for CodePenChallenge in June. Thanks CodePen 💕
UXiD Bandung - Web Accessibility Primer
- UX
- Accessibility
I talked about web accessibility at UXiD Bandung's meetup last March. Here's a writeup about the session.
Watch me try to describe myself

- Garfield is my spirit animal.
- I love coffee so I sometimes eat my cereal with coffee.
- I letter and knit to relieve stress.
- I mostly listen to K-Pop. My favorites are BTS, Day6, and Dreamcatcher.
- I love movies and TV series. But don't ask me about Star Wars or Game of Thrones, because I've never watched either.
- My native language is GIFs.
- I watch (+ badly play) some DotA2. My favorite team is Liquid.
- Always interested in ed-tech, currently interested in web accessibility, design systems, and crowdsourcing.
For the more ~professional~ about me please refer to my resume or LinkedIn profile.